
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Guess Who's Driving Home!?!?!


So basically it's 6 months and 17 days late but I got my permit!!!!

I really didn't study like I was supposed to... I just did a few practice tests and flipped through the handbook. But as long as you have common sense (along with a good sense of how far away 50ft  to 300ft is) I think you could pass not a problem!

I passed my very first try!!!! But barely, I got an 80% which means if I missed one more question I would've failed.... Except during the test when I went back to check over my answers I changed three of them and if I hadn't changed them I would've only missed one question (or maybe I would've gotten 100%, I really don't know) but I was like, "ARE YOU FREAKIN' KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW!?!?!" But whatevs, I mean I did PASS!!!!

And some how I managed to find time to take the test in the midst of finals. How? I have no idea!!!
So sorry teachers if I fail your final, don't take it personally.

After the test and everything I was like, "Mom pleaseeeeee let me drive home!!!" And guess what I did?!?! I drove home!!! (At least partially home, my mom and I switched spots when we got to the highway because I really didn't wanna die my first day with my permit...)

I guess now I just have to learn how to not die while driving and hopefully not procrastinate getting my license as much as I did my permit!

I recommend staying off the roads!
This girl is!!!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Things My Track Team Has Taught Me

The one and only Madison Carr got a hold of my computer and left the Internet a lovely message about how I am no longer going to Camp Daggett so I can stalk her. But let's face it, why in the world would I trade anything for my precious Camp Daggett? If you know, please tell me.

You may remember last week I told you how I was spending the weekend in the one and only Vernal. Well I realized I never told you why.

Basically I made the region team for track!! But you know I don't run, like at all, so I made it for the throwing portion of track & field. 

And I wasn't sitting around doing nothing all day as much as I thought I would. But that's not including the three hour bus ride both ways. That was a lot of sitting on my butt with nothing to do! And on the bus ride back we only had one bus for EVERYONE because EVERYONE made finals and the coached didn't plan on EVERYONE making finals. So this caused me to have to share a seat... at least I was with Lane.
Did I mention we were region champs for girls and boys?
Yeah, girls only beat Morgan High School by 1 point, that's
one 6th place Park City person instead of a Morgan person.

Speaking of the devil...


I didn't say anything.

Lane's Jesus, I think you misread.

Anyways, she made it for long jump and she totally crushed the competition! I only got to watch her first jumps and I didn't get see her compete in finals, sadly.She did FANTASTIC! She reached her goal of fourteen feet for the season and she got sixth! Which means she was on that podium!!



I know you don't care.

But since you asked, I didn't podium at all or make finals (except in javelin I was only one person away from making finals and I was like ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!) But I threw a personal record in javelin & shot put; Discus sucked but only because my coach didn't tell me I was throwing that until the day of so I hadn't practiced it in about two weeks.

Enough of this boring results stuff, on to the fun stuff.

So if you click the read more button, you can find out what my "throwing team" has taught me. (And you can see more pictures than you would ever want to see.)

What The Throwing Weirdos Have Taught Me

Disclaimer: You should know that to them, I'm not Morgan, I'm Beds. Exactly. Just like a bed that you sleep in.

This name came about by the wonderful Kambridge. The first week of practice I had cornrows still and lots of beads. And she couldn't pronounce beads so I became Beds.

I Hurt Myself A Lot

Wether it's getting almost knocked out by sprinters, randomly having my legs begin to bleed, always tripping, getting scratches or slamming my fingers in car doors, no one likes to point these things out to me more than these monkeys.

I Don't Talk Very Much

I really thought I talk quiet a bit but apparently I don't. I guess I just didn't have anything to say and at first I didn't really know any of them, so I just kinda kept to myself.

And here are moments that I remember that the topic of me not talking came up:

"Beds would be most likely to be the sociopath out of the group. She just always there, never talking, just observing and watching, plotting her revenge on all of us."

"You're so quiet compared to the other Freshman." (Let me point out the other freshman were Brody and Eli who are the most outgoing social butterflies you'll ever meet.)

I was asked many times, "Why are you so quiet?"

"Woah. She speaks!"

"What do you mean she doesn't talk? Morgan talks, you just have to talk to her and she'll respond, at least most of the time."

"Morgan's like a little sassy no talking person. She hardly talks but when she does, she's sassier than my twelve-year-old sister."

So, yeah.

Every Time I Throw, I Stick Out My Tongue

I can actually thank my mom for pointing this one out for me. No better way to prove to you by showing you.
Double chins and stickin' out the tongue is the only way
to throw far
How Normal People Dance

It was the week of Prom and everyone was exchanging dance moves (each out coach) and I was just kinda standing there awkwardly and then of course they made sure I learned all of them too for future reference.

I'm Stronger Than I Think

It was one track meet at Wasatch and Lane had her spikes on so I carried her up to the top of the bleachers to our stuff and it really was no big deal, Lane's as light as a feather. But coach Herr was in AWE that I carried her up the stairs bridal style and just set her down and was like "Humph no big deal." So the next day at practice he was telling EVERY SINGLE coach that I had carried her up the stairs. And he was like, "How come you aren't throwing that shot put at fifty feet? I think you're a lot stronger than you think. You just have to know in your head, that the shot put isn't heavy and put all the muscle you have into it."

We had to lift everyday after practice and I just didn't realize that I could add more weight. During each thing we had to do, everyone was like "Com'n Beds! Add more weight!!" One day when we had to lunges, I started with a 45 pound bar and by the last set I had an 80 pound bar on my back.

Tanner Than I Realize

Every meet we went, tons of people would ask, "Where'd you go? You're so tan!!" And my response, "Oh I just tan easily." And then they rant on forever about how lucky I am and they wish they had my skin blah blah blah.

Then there's Tressa who ALWAYS has sunscreen with her and is so worried she's gonna burn when it snowing.

How To Get Rid Of A Dead Body

If you've ever heard or been apart of a conversation with Tressa and Kambridge, then you know exactly what I'm talking about.

Wether it's getting rid of the evidence through a bathtub full of chemicals, making the body parts into dolls, eating the body or selling the parts on EBay, they have thought of every way possible.

They also gave me many clever ideas of how to make the body a dead body. The most disturbing part was about how elaborate the plans were, so if you ever need anyone to go bye-bye, just contact these two.

Along with their prank they plan to pull on the school, to fill the sprinkler system with blood then pull the fire alarm and blood will be spurting everywhere and they'd be in pure bliss.

I'm Short

Like I didn't already know that, but thanks for pointing it out.

I Wanna Actually Be Able To Play My Ukulele

At the region track meet there was this kid who was playing his ukulele and he had literally his whole team singing along with him. (And I was so determined to become his best friend, but that never happened.) It seemed like literally the perfect experience, they all seemed to happy and having fun. I want that to happen with my ukulele, everyone singing along, having fun and everyone's just happy.

So here's what you came here for, the pictures:

To hot to handle
Single as a Pringle and ready to mingle
We're cute
So Madison deleted the cutest picture of her ever laughing
in the rain off my phone and I have no way to get it back
so here's another picture of her and Madi laughing, but it's
not as good. Shame on you Madison.
It's a tradition for Lane and I to take a picture with the Union
sign and I zoomed in on her face, and isn't she beautiful!?!
I like this one because I have so much concentration on my
face and I'm not sticking out my tongue.
Trying to keep warm





Thursday, May 8, 2014

LOL So True (At Least I Hope)

Guess what!?!?!

I only have to do two more posts for school on this blog.





I didn't just cheer.

I don't know what you're talking about.


(In a whisper)    Better?
Almost 24 hours will be spent on these
bleachers... YAY!

Okay but honestly I really do enjoy writing this blog and I'm considering keeping with it over the summer. But I don't know how much success there would be in posting often... Would you read my posts if I kept with it over the summer?


Aren't you impressed that I got this done before Friday?

I'm pretty proud of myself for that.

Wanna know where I'll be that made me make sure I got this post done today?

I know you juant to!

Well I'm gonna be at the most exciting place on the Earth!!!


(Just kidding. Vernal is probably the most boring place on earth.)

But I think the totally awesome people I'll be with will make up for the fact of being in Vernal, at least I hope.

Enough about my social plans...

As you wished for, here are funny and relatable moments that hopefully you relate to too and it's not just me. I hope your reaction to at least one of these is, "OHMYGOD THAT'S SO TRUE!!! LOL!!!!"

Tell me if you can relate:

When I accidently step on my pet, I'm like, "OHMYGOD I'M SO SORRY! I DIDN'T MEAN TO I PROMISE!" and they run away from me and I'm like: "LET ME LOVE YOUUUU!"

When a little kid asks me how something works and I really don't feel like explaining it: Magic.

Cleaning my room: 10% cleaning 20% singing & dancing 10% complaining 60% playing with stuff I find.

Parent: What did you learn today?
Me: Apparently not enough, we have have to go back tomorrow.

Only your best friend understands when you say, "I saw my boyfriend today." You are referring to the hot guy that has no clue you exist.

When someone suggests doing something physically demanding: are you from this planet?

When I'm watching Titanic and Rose tells Jack, "I'll never let you go." And I'm over here like, "YOU SIT ON A THROWN OF LIES!"
I don't know about you but when I choose which isle,
I always go to the self checkout and now I suddenly
 understand why! 

Me: I'd like a Coke please.
Waitress: Is Pepsi okay?
Me: Is Monopoly money okay?

I want to be rebellious but I don't want to get in trouble.

Here's to the kids that know the difference between you're & your. (Seriously girls on Instagram need to learn the difference!!)

Chapstick, bobby pins, and hair ties are the hardest things to keep with you. Or of course you always have them but once you need it, they're no where in sight.

I don't understand the 'good' part of good morning.

Sometimes I have the feeling that I should get out of bed been then I think, "Hmmmm better not."

When it's dark and my brains like, "You know what we haven't thought about lately? Demons."

House arrest wouldn't even be a punishment for me.

Clean room: A path from my bed to my door.

I never actually say hi to my friends, I just make creepy faces from a distance.

That feeling when you close your eyes to apply shampoo, and get paranoid that someone might kill you in the shower.

Serving size: Five chips
HAHAHAHAHAHA! That's funny. More like the whole bag.

When the room is quiet. My stomach: Let me sing you the song of my people.

Does anyone actually know what you have to do when people are singing happy birthday to you?

When you're left alone in the car with your friends parents: Wow, you can actually feel the awkward.

A, B, C or D: "Well I haven't had a B for like five questions, let's go with that."

Trust me I LOVE The Fault In Our Stars as much as
any typical teenage girl but com'n admit it, this is
Person 1: I'm really athletic
Person 2: I'm really smart
Person 3: I'm goregous
Person 4: I'm hilarious
Me: I can breathe

When I'm in the car and a sad song comes on, I stare out the window and pretend I'm apart of a music video.

Three hours ago mom said: Don't worry it won't be long, only about thirty minutes.

I hate when I sit down and my legs flatten out to approximately the size of Russia.

When that one person you just can't stand starts talking and your'e like, "I like the sound you make when you shut up."

If I ugly Snapchat you, I trust you.

Turning off the lights and sprinting up the stairs as if there is a serial killer behind you.

Here are millions upon millions of more LOL moments! 

Hopefully I'm not the only one that relates to every single one of these things... Have a FANTABULOUS weekend and remember that no matter what you do, it'll be better than me sitting on the bus for three hours to Vernal and back.

(Credit to the pictures are from some where on Tumblr, I think.)

Monday, May 5, 2014

Holy Hair

Do you know what today is?




and do you know what that means??


(one of my all time favorite meals )

and do you know what yesterday was??

MAY THE FORTH!!! ( with you)

and do you know what tomorrow is?


(So when you see an obnoxious tourist just give them a big hug, thank them, walk away and give them no explanation as to why.) 

Now moving onto the point of this post. (No it wasn't just to inform you about holidays, sorry.)

You may not remember this, but when I went on a cruise in February, I came back with corn rows. Fifty-two of them. (At least I think, I can't remember exactly how many.)

So I had the corn rows in for about a week. And they were driving me crazyyyyyyyyy. I may have complained to you about how much they hurt & itched. (Boys you wouldn't understand.) But you know that feeling when your hair has been in a pony tail for WAYYYYYY to long? Well it felt like that. But hundreds of them all over my head.

So the process of taking them out was about two hours....

I had taken off all the beads and rubber-bands first, but the braids didn't just unravel themselves, they stayed in place. Great. So I had to take them apart one by one. I was only halfway through the process of taking them out when I had gone over to Lane's, so she had to help me take them out.

Let me tell you, my hair was the definition of disgusting. It felt like old fringed yarn and my hair was just falling out!! (Because you loose between 50 - 100 strands of hair a day and for a week none of that fell out so... that's why.) So here are some beautiful pictures of this hair due...


Gettin' the hair braided
I felt like an alien/avatar with the braids.
Look at those tiny tiny tiny waves
The wise words of Lane
Our band name is Pink Fluffy Unicorns
The picture doesn't even show how much
poof there was

Thursday, May 1, 2014


I have a few public service announcements before we get on to the point of this post.

First off, for all of you that have Snapchat... UPDATE IMMEDIATELY!!! They're putting the chat in Snapchat. Okay but seriously it's cool but I am 100% confused. If you understand it at all, please teach me how to use this new version.

Second off, I have two new favorite jokes. Wanna hear them? Of course you do!

This joke I give credzzzz to Molly who gave credit to Ashely but it's my new favorite joke.

Why do white girls hang out in odd numbers?                           Because they just can't even!!! 

This next one I give credit to Amelia but also a new favorite.

What do you call four Mexicans drowning in quick sand?                        Cuatro Cinco!!!!

So if you want to make my day just tell me a joke (preferably one I haven't heard and will make my list of favorite jokes) because jokes make me so freakin' happy.

Third, mu butt muscles are in so much pain right now, I don't think you understand. I had to do lunges yesterday with a 115 pound bar on my back and my butt is dead. I can't sit any longer, I'm literally dying. I just thought I'd let you know.

Anyways... Now to the point of this post.

Google Maps.

It's kinda creepy.

Like you search the streets basically anywhere in the world on street view. See anything in that moment in time. Search the Earth for whatever it is you're searching for. I don't know, it's totally helpful but really creepy too.

For example, what if Google Earth took a picture right now?

What would the whole world see you doing? (Well if you're reading this right now and it took a picture right now, then it'd be a picture of you reading this. Not that exciting, you can do better.)

What if the picture was taken while you were poppin-a-squat in the wilderness? Talk about awkward.

What if in the midst of you almost getting away with a murder?

Picking you nose?

Taking a selfie in public? You'll never live this one down.

Doing something else totally embarrassing & awkward?

Here are people that were caught doing these things! Some are totally hilarious, other just straight up weird, and the rest are pretty cool.

Funny Things I Found On Google Earth

The Van Basically Exploded

In case it's not obvious, there's a white creeper van on fire. But the best part. The image was captured by the Google Earth car, which means the Google car just drove right past. But maybe it stopped, and that's why it looks all glitchy in the sky. But maybe the driver didn't stop and now whenever they see this picture, they'll come to realize it was the biggest regret of their life. But seriously the best part... The shirtless man in the back just watching.


Nothing appears out of the ordinary. Right? Wrong! Look at what it is the shirtless man is pulling? Yes, it is a bike trailer thingy but look inside it. Yes, you did see correctly. The man is pulling his dog. Can that dog really not run along side you as you bike? Apparently not.

 It's A Pink Bunny!

I really didn't think this one was that cool until I read a story about it, and here's that story: This is a 200ft long giant pink bunny is on the side of Colletto Fava Mountain in northern Italy. It was knitted by a group of artists from Vienna for people to cuddle with, climb on and admire from a distance. These people most be the coolest people ever! Like who thinks of KNITTING a 200ft giant pink bunny to put on the side of mountain that random people can cuddle with!?! Awesome people do!

Tough Gang Of Middle Aged Men Riding Segway's

These guys are definitely the cool kids. One day I want to be like them. (But mostly for the fact that they each have their own Segway.)


First time I saw this I was totally 100% convinced it was a murder. It was as if the man stabbed him at the grass right before the pier, dragged the boy across the pier and was going to get rid of the body by throwing he/she into the lake. I came up with a whole scenario on how it happened and why it happened. I'd tell you but I really don't think you want to know how much detail there is so I'll leave that part out.

But then...

When I was looking up funny things on Google Earth there was a Mythbuster on this image. Turns out it was a wet dog running up and down the pier. I know I was totally disappointed! I thought I found a murder on Google Earth!!! But another part of me was totally relieved that no one was killed.

Meet My New Best Friends

Can you imagine just driving past these guys? I'd assume they were the ones that caused the murder above but that's stereotyping and we don't do that here! But they seem like really nice people... But if I knew who they were, we would totally, 100% be BFF's!!!

Maybe Unwind Is A Real Thing...

 So if you've read Unwind this will make perfect sense and if not, you may as well just skip this because you will be more confused than I am in Spanish class. (Which is EXTREMELY confused and other times, not very confused at all. I guess that kinda contradicted itself... oh well.)

You know the part when all the Unwind's are hiding in the Airplane Graveyard? Well that's a real place, in Tucson, Arizona. The place is HUGE!!! There are probably thousands of abandoned planes,
talk about sketchy.

Abandoned Baby

This parent has some explaining to do... I feel bad for when this child finds this picture. On the bright side, it could be worse, the baby could've been left at Walmart but instead he/she was left at Gucci. 

Evidence That Jesus Loves You In The Middle Of The Desert

Imagine finding this in the middle of the desert?

Imagine you were just going for a stroll in the middle of the desert and you came across this? It's made out of giant cement letters just like PC hill. This is all the proof you need that Jesus loves you. The people who created this I have one question for you, "Can we be friends?"

Adios internet users!

Want more strange things? Try these websites:

More images than you'll ever want

Embarrassing Images

If you want even more just Google "Strange things on Google Maps"

All image courtesy to Google Maps.