
Thursday, April 24, 2014


Yo-yo yiggidy-yo!


What'd you say?

You want to see pictures of me as a baby?

Well if that's what you really want...


I think it's a little bit of a coincidence you asked about this on a Thursday, don't you?

I mean it is throwbackthursday...


You don't know what throwbackthursday is!?!?!

Do you live under a rock!?!?

It's basically a thing where on Thursday you post a picture of a throwback (and old picture) on some system of social networking.
How can you not know what throwbackthursday is but ask for me to show you old pictures of me? I just don't understand your magical ways.

Your wish is my command.


(On my captions, if they don't make since it's because you say "Throwback to... blah blah blah," but I get to lazy to right that out each time so just mentally add that in.)

The beginning of it all.
The day I became famous for my artwork.
To when I actually had friends.
My grandma's royal birthday
To when I made a 3D puzzle!
I just like this picture
I was on the fore front of fashion
I guess we're all Jesus since we can all walk on water! Except
Tyler... we had to hold him
No caption needed
Adios Trailside, Hello middle school!

The day I got an ice cream sundae that was larger than my face!
The Original Macklemore 
When I was younger, I was a model for Christmas sweaters.
"Can I just open the dang present already!?"
Enough already with the pictures of us matching!
Playing tennis takes balls
Chubby cheeks 
Our mermaid tails are all connected
To when I was actually taller than Lane.
No. We aren't related. (Dem eyes tho)
I was a model again before I was socially awkward.
Hipster 4 Lyfe
Professional dishwashers. I plan on going to
college and majoring in dishwashing.
Me and some of my Michigan amigos!

See that thing on my back? That's called The Bubble, I was
too cool for life jackets so I wore that instead. 
Possibly the cutest picture ever! That's Mackincac Bridge in
the background. 
That selfie tho
I was quite the daredevil has a child
This basically sums up our family. (Look at
Tyler's face!)
Remember those days when the controllers were actually
connected to the console? 
Here comes the applesauce airplane! 
End of the year party from last year! Can't wait for this summer!
One of many pictures of me sleeping. 
But now I must go sleep, just like I am in the picture above.

☾ Good night! ☽

1 comment:

  1. I can't even express how much I love these pictures.
