
Thursday, April 24, 2014


Yo-yo yiggidy-yo!


What'd you say?

You want to see pictures of me as a baby?

Well if that's what you really want...


I think it's a little bit of a coincidence you asked about this on a Thursday, don't you?

I mean it is throwbackthursday...


You don't know what throwbackthursday is!?!?!

Do you live under a rock!?!?

It's basically a thing where on Thursday you post a picture of a throwback (and old picture) on some system of social networking.
How can you not know what throwbackthursday is but ask for me to show you old pictures of me? I just don't understand your magical ways.

Your wish is my command.


(On my captions, if they don't make since it's because you say "Throwback to... blah blah blah," but I get to lazy to right that out each time so just mentally add that in.)

The beginning of it all.
The day I became famous for my artwork.
To when I actually had friends.
My grandma's royal birthday
To when I made a 3D puzzle!
I just like this picture
I was on the fore front of fashion
I guess we're all Jesus since we can all walk on water! Except
Tyler... we had to hold him
No caption needed
Adios Trailside, Hello middle school!

The day I got an ice cream sundae that was larger than my face!
The Original Macklemore 
When I was younger, I was a model for Christmas sweaters.
"Can I just open the dang present already!?"
Enough already with the pictures of us matching!
Playing tennis takes balls
Chubby cheeks 
Our mermaid tails are all connected
To when I was actually taller than Lane.
No. We aren't related. (Dem eyes tho)
I was a model again before I was socially awkward.
Hipster 4 Lyfe
Professional dishwashers. I plan on going to
college and majoring in dishwashing.
Me and some of my Michigan amigos!

See that thing on my back? That's called The Bubble, I was
too cool for life jackets so I wore that instead. 
Possibly the cutest picture ever! That's Mackincac Bridge in
the background. 
That selfie tho
I was quite the daredevil has a child
This basically sums up our family. (Look at
Tyler's face!)
Remember those days when the controllers were actually
connected to the console? 
Here comes the applesauce airplane! 
End of the year party from last year! Can't wait for this summer!
One of many pictures of me sleeping. 
But now I must go sleep, just like I am in the picture above.

☾ Good night! ☽

Monday, April 21, 2014


Before I even begin, let me just say... 

I GOT A UKUELE!!!! I CAN NOT CONTAIN MY EXCITMENT! I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS DAY FOR TOO LONG!!!! IT'S SO MAJESTIC AND BEAUTIFUL AND JUST SO HAPPY SOUNDING!!! (I just called my ukulele an it!! Scratch that! My ukulele is anything but an it! A he or a she? I haven't decided yet... and I can't decide on a name. I want it to be something Hawaiian cause it is a ukulele after all! But nothing has me like, "OHMYGOD YES! THAT'S THE PERFECT NAME!!) And yes I actually can play it!                       To some extent...

And let's just take a moment and rejoice, ONLY 31 DAYS OF SCHOOL LEFT!!! 

So as you know, or may not know, last week was spring break. And I don't want to bore you to death with what I did step by step, minute for minute, millisecond for millisecond but I really have no other option here. Like do you really want to know what I pack? (We all know it's clothes and that's about it. No entertainment need. I got this thing in my head called a brain. Ever heard of it? Probably not because most people don't have one, I'm one of the lucky ones. But my brain can entertain me for a longgggg time. No knowing what will pop in and out of this head of mine.) 
Isn't this the truth!
Image credit & here too

Spring Break (Urban Dictionary definition): So there were lots of interesting definitions... But here's the one that speaks the most truth with not as much detail as some of them... "A time of year usually during late March or early April where high school and college kids have an excuse to party and get drunk. it also gives an excuse to hook up with anyone and everyone, no matter who you have back home." Words related to Spring Break: vacation, party, drunk, beach, girls gone wild, college, and lots of word I'm not going to type on a school computer. 

I have not experienced a Spring Break any where near that person's expectations.

So I know all of you really want to know what Morgan did over break. And I know this because if you are reading this you are either a. stalking my blog b. want to know more about me c. my mom d. some creepy old man on the Internet e. some reason I can't think of at this particular moment in time

It is indeed your lucky day. Here is what I did over break. *Applause* But don't work I included my wonderful sarcasm and thoughts of mine. So no need to worry, it will keep you from falling asleep.

So the first few days weren't that exciting, I slept, ate, slept some more, watched some TV, ate some food, did some community service, hit my head REALLY hard so then I read for the next few days in darkness possibly ruining my vision (but not really), and that basically sums it up.

But then...

On Wednesday we left to go camping at Quail Creek State Park after I went to the Orthodontist. (This time he said it’ll be a few more months because last time he screwed up and allowed this gap to occur between my two front teeth and I’m just sitting there all happy and understanding but on the inside I’m like, WELL WHY DID YOU SCREW IT UP!?!?! YOU SAID I MIGHT HAVE GOTTEN THEM OFF NOW! THANKS A LOT!) Then while my teeth were in pain from this stupid power chain I had to sit in the car for six hours and the worst part, I wasn’t able to eat anything. Thanks orthodontist. 

Swimmin' in the river
Guess what I had to do the first day there? Biking. Oh what joy. And the best part, it was down-hill single track. Yay! (That whole last section just imagine so much sarcasm you want to punch me in the face.) But Morgan, at least it’s downhill! Wrong! Remember the last time I did intense down hill? No well you obviously have a horrible memory or you never read that post.... This just got awkward for all of us. 

Biking ended up being worth it but only because I swam in a river afterwards and it was totally awesome but of course I was the tester to see how cold & deep the water was. So I jumped in from this rock expecting it to be super deep so I went all the way under but then I stood up and it wasn’t even to my waste. I was like “ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!” Oh and I also got ice cream! Which was the only reason I agreed to bike in the first place. 

The next day we hiked Angel’s Landing in Zion National Park and my first thought was, Wow! this would be a perfect spot for an episode of Pretty Little Liars because A could try and push one of them off and it would be super intense but they get away (like always) sprinting down Walter’s Wiggles and one of them trips and falls and yeah...

And my second thought while climbing the death wish, Ew! How many people have touched these chains! GERMSSSS! That little boy up there probably just picked his nose and wiped it all over this and that dad didn't wash his hands after using the port-a-potty. 

Look at that view...! Not the rocks you dumbo! Those two
sexy people front & center!
Anywaysssss... this wasn’t my first time doing this hike. I’ve done it before when I was younger once just to Boy Scout Landing and then in sixth grade, I did the whole hike even the part with the sheer cliffs. And if you ever have the opportunity, definitely do this hike, even if you are afraid of heights. Perfect chance to over come that fear!

But when we were hiking up I over heard a conversation between a little boy and who I believe was his dad. The little one said, “When you were standing on the edge of the rock taking a picture I had an urge to push you off.” The dad appeared kinda sad but in a cherry voice he asked, “Why is that?” “I don’t know.” The little boy answered. The dad responded, “Sometimes I have that urge to. But the good thing is that we both controlled it and didn’t push anyone off the cliff.” The little boy seemed content and said, “I’m glad you didn’t push me off.” “Me too.” said el padre. What a nice father    son bonding moment. 

‘Twas the next morning and Morgan was up because the sun was awake which means she’s awake. And everyone else was asleep so instead of building a snowman (1. there was no snow 2. she doesn’t have a sister with magical powers) so she read. All morning. She read the book from 1/4 of the way done to every single page at the end. Even those boring awknoledgements. Then she went paddle boarding and thought some very deep thoughts. Thoughts that were so deep she can’t even accept the fact they were thought in her own brain. Deep like questioning the meaning of life deep, and questioning every human reaction like fear, happiness and sadness. Some revoloving around the reactions of other people at Angels Landing. So if you want to here all the super deep stuff, just vote on the poll to the right and maybe you’ll get to hear it. 

After paddle boarding we went to the Red Cliffs (Red Reef Trail) and it was red cliffs with some water in the area but still totally awesome! And once again, guess who was the tester? Yours truly. 

     I was the first to go into the pools (to make sure the water wasn't too cold because it won't matter 
     if Morgan freezes over and can't swim out) along with the job to see how deep they were. 

     So there was this really steep slide and I went first. To make sure there was no rock in the water 
     where Tyler could potentially hurt himself, don't worry about Morgan. 

     There was like a seven foot cliff to jump into one of the pools, and I was first. 

Tyler jumping off the cliff, selfie with the fam, and T-Fish sliding down the slide

But we all know the real reason Morgan was the first to do all of this, she's anything but chicken, she's a dare devil. *Dramatic slow motion wink*

So I’m currently writing this on the car ride home. What? Morgan, how are you doing that without Internet? Well, let me tell you. I’m smarter than the Internet, I’m writing on a Pages document. *Mind blown!!* But the whole reason I mentioned that is because I can NOT sit any longer!!! My butt is about to fall off!!! And now my pathetic dog Zac is up on the seats taking up all the space and is big fat head is on my leg so now that leg has fallen asleep and he’s asleep and isn’t waking up so now my butt and leg are in pain. This is just fantastic. And I have to sit here for another three hours. Yay!
Apparently I make a fantastic pillow 
So hopefully I’ll get home soon enough to study for that AP vocab test I have tomorrow (first period) that I completely forgot about. And of course I left my text book at home so I’m kinda screwed... Wish me luck!

Thanks for reading and I hope to see you next week on Let's See What Boring Stuff Morgan Did This Week!


P.S. You should check out my last blog post because it now as a new and improved totally rad video Molly and I made about being bored. Enjoy! :)

Oh and totally 100% forgot. That title... Yeah I really couldn't think of a clever title so I came up with that because it's my response from literally everyone.

Now it's your turn to solve the mystery. Was I burnt and it turned into a tan? Just tan? Or a sunburn disguised as a tan?

Here are more pictures: Just because I can ;)

So that cliff that I'm trying to hold, yeah that's what I hiked.
And I went up all those switch backs and touched all those
germy chains. 
Small people fit in small places

There's a giant shark swimming under neath me, just so you know

Friday, April 11, 2014

A Guide To Curing Boredom

You know what would suck?

Is if you were a penguin.

I mean think about it. They have it worst out of all the animals.

They're called birds, but can't fly. That sucks.

And on top if it all, they're not even colorful! Like they're just boring old black 'n' white.

They stand in the icy cold all day, swim in the almost frozen water, have their babies eaten by other animals and are they even fluffy!?!?!

Look at him he just looks so sad! Photo Credit
I just feel bad for penguins.

Okay apparently I'm really awkward at making introductions because that was just a random smack to the face.

So what's this post about?



It's about your mom.

No really it is!

Just kidding it's not.

I probably don't even know who your mom is and if I do, tell them I say hi! (That awkward moment when I typed them instead of her so I was basically implying that you have multiple moms...)


We all have those days and maybe even weeks in our lives when we are just so bored! *cough cough this next week called Spring Break* There's absolutely nothing to do! Your house is boring as poop, all your friends are "busy," you can't drive yourself anywhere and there's just nothing for you to do!!!

So here's a list of things you should do when your bored with or without a friend.

 It's The Real Guide To Livin' The Yolo Lyfe And Curing Boredom:

WARNING: If you look like a complete idiot while doing any of the things I suggested, that is all your fault because you're the one who was stupid enough to actually do something that I tell you to do. Have fun!

If you're in public:

Point at someone and scream, "YOU'RE ONE OF THEM!!!" And begin to run away but trip and crawl away slowly but frantically.

Lead a Zumba or Jazzercise class where ever you are. If you haven't ever done this then you are missing out big time! Basically you make a dance and everyone follows along and it's so much fun!! (So the lady who made this video, if you watch some of her other one's there's this old lady who consistently shows up and she's goooood and so funny to watch her get so into it.)

Take a picture of a stranger and then go up to that person, showing them that picture asking, "Have you seen this person?"

Climb a tree next to a popular path and make sure you can't be seen. Begin to talk to people walking by.

Two words: Marco Polo (Anywhere. Anytime.)

Hide in a clothing rack at some store and when ever someone starts looking at it jump up and down screaming, "PICK ME! PICK ME!"

Squawk at people walking past you.

Go up to random people and try to start a conversation with them. (Best way to make new friends!)

Blow bubbles.

Buy an ice cream cone and ask the person who served you if they believe in unicorns than smash the ice cream cone on to your forehead and walk away like a boss.

Blow up a balloon, tie it to yourself, run around while screaming, "IT WON'T STOP FOLLOWING ME!! SOMEONE HELP!!!"

If you're stuck at home:

Do some DIY's! There are endless amounts of DIY's out there and most of the stuff you can do with stuff you have at home, well at least hopefully they do.

Netflix is always the answer.

Play with anything that looks interesting.

Look up fun facts so than you can randomly give facts and you'll seem all smart and stuff. Like did you know that Luna is the most popular name for a dog currently? Which is kinda cool because one of my dogs is names Luna. But I wonder why that's the most popular name? Because you're not gonna name a brown dog Luna...? Right?


So obviously if you're reading this you're bored and that means when you're bored you like to stalk my blog.

Make videos! Either awesome music videos, totally strange videos, halarious comedies, embarsssing things or do a talk show about what ever you Juant! Here's a totally rad video my friend Molly and I made about the adventure of being bored!

Redecorate your room. I swear I do this at least once a month.

Try experimenting with the blender. But not in a weird way. Like once I put everything chocolate I could find and made the most amazing milkshake I've ever had... and I've never been able to recreate that shake.

Bake a cake.

Paint your nails. And boys you can do this too!

Have a movie marathon with lots of popcorn and pillows.

If you live in a neighborhood where people actually walk by your house and you have one of those legit mailboxes, put a walkie-talkie in it and every time someone walks by, scream super loud in the other walkie-talkie.

Long car rides:

Just take a whole buttload of selfies. But you have to make sure they're totally random and spontaneous that way you can enjoy those absolutely gorgeous faces you can make. (This one's a lot better when you have a friend.) And you never know, maybe one of them will by Instagram worthy.
Many selfies....

Candy Crush. Best way to spend time in the car. Until you have no more lives, then that just sucks.

Pretend you're making a music video. Either blare music from the radio or your phone/ipod. Then you have sure to document the moment and then show it to me so I can pee my pants laughing at how ridiculous you're acting.

So after your phone dies, (if this happens to you I am so sorry that's like the worst thing ever) but if it does die, charge it with a car charger or charge it off a laptop... but say you can't even do that. Here are a few more things you can do.

Sleep. Make sure you have a pillow!!


Roll down all the windows and blare music. This is always fun.

Eat as much junk food as you can possibly fit into your mouth.

What People Suggested From The Search Engine Named After His Great-Great-Grandfather Google

So I want all y'all to know I couldn't think of all these by myself. I had help from many people and all the strange people on the inter webs. And here are some that I just thought were hilarious and totally randomly awesome!
Like this but in a car or in your room!

Recopy the Bible replacing your name for God.

Send your goldfish to obedience school.

Discover the source of the Mississippi River.

Recite romantic poetry... to your toaster.

Learn Sign Language.

Plant a shoe.

Wear snorkel gear and hang pictures of fish from the ceiling. (In a car would be best!)

Interview your feet. (But really you could interview anything.)

Play with matches.

Listen to a painting.

Rake the carpet.

So if you're insanely bored and already done all these things just google things to do when you're bored and you will get a MASSIVE list of things to do. Just like this website.

 ✌ Peace out losers!  

Oh have a FANTASTIC Spring Break 2k14 and make sure to party hard!!!

Friday, April 4, 2014

100 Things You Don't Know Or Care To Know About Me


I'm Morgan.

Morgan Fisher.

And I am just 1 person living in a world with 7.046 billion other people.

If by any chance you are an alien from some in the universe, I welcome you to my blog but I must ask you, can we be friends? Because I really want to say I have a friend that's literally out of this world!

And can we just take a moment and embrace the fact I just figured out I can add emojis to this!!! But then I posted it and they turn out like this ðŸ˜€ :( and look at the wittle snowman!!! ☃ that isn't a question mark!!!

So what's new with you?

Really!?!?! No way!!! That's awesome!!


Oh you know, the usual, barely surviving this days form of torture. Taking life day by day and making the best of each day.

So recently many of friends have started a list of 20 random facts about them but I want you all to know I started this list like a month ago because it is impossible to think of 100 things about yourself. And 20? Really? You can do better than that.

So if you have nothing better to do (you can always clean the toilets) and have really wanted to know 100 facts about me (like who doesn't want to know 100 facts about me!?) well today's your lucky day.

Here's 100 Facts About Morgitos!

1. I really wanted to be a mariachi band for Halloween but no-Juan would do it with me so I would have been the only Juan.

2. I own a Viking helmet and when I'm sad, I wear it.
My wall that one day will be covered in pictures.

3. I have a goal to cover my whole wall with pictures.

4. I collect snow globes and most of the ones I have, I bought myself because I never receive them as gifts.

5. I've never seen a single Harry Potter movie, but I have read the first book and that's my whole Harry Potter experience.

6. When I was younger and I went to the eye doctor and they told me I didn't need glasses, I started crying.

7. Dolphins are the greatest thing ever. They just always seem so happy and I got to swim with dolphins for the first when I went on a Cruise. Greatest experience of my life.

8. I'm OBSESSED with card games. And if you want to play me you better be prepared to loose and them go crying about it to your mommy. Yeah, my dad did it to me quite often when I was younger so now I get pretty into the games.

I am always the backgammon champion so my aunt hates it when I beat her;
Notice my uncle isn't paying attention and I'm so into it I'm standing up
9. This is my lucky number. Do you wanna know why? Probably not but I'll tell you anyways! In elementary school when I played rec. soccer, I was #9 and it was my first time I scored a goal so I assumed it wasn't my soccer skills but the fact I was wearing a number nine jersey.

10. I will never wear a dress to school unless I'm required too but I do enjoy dressing up every so often.

11. Last summer I was one of those dorks marching down Main Street with a feather on top of my head while making music.

12. Doggies!!!! I love them more than life.

12. I can only go cross-eyed in one eye... it's sorta creepy

Creepy right?
13. I'm always afraid I'll walk into the wrong bathroom. HOW EMBARRASSING WOULD THAT BE IF YOU WALKED INTO THE WRONG BATHROOM AND SOMEONE'S LIKE "uhhhhhh...." Well more embarrassing than any video I could ever create.

14. I can't do a cartwheel.

15. Eyeliner will be the death of me. Just ask Ingrid.

16. I live to complete puzzles. It's the only reason I exist.

17. In elementary school I used to tell kids I loved homework zso they'd think I was the smartest kid in the class and you know what? It worked.

18. Juan jokes are the source of my happiness.

19. When I was forced to do Cotillion along with Molly (WHO ACTUALLY WEARS DRESSES OFTEN NOW!!!) I wouldn't ever admitt it but I looked forward to those Wednesday nights.

20. I once made a clay sculpture that was a cross between a dog and a hippo that was painted with the imagination of a 8 year-old so basically it's the greatest thing ever.

21. The stars in the night sky truly amaze me. It just leaves me in awe... It's the unknown. On one hand, it terrifies me but on the other had it leaves me wondering, always asking questions.

22. S'mores dip is where it's at. (But real S'mores are always better.)

23. I had to do Kindergarten twice since I failed the first time because I couldn't sing my ABC's and count to 100. (We'll just go with that version of the story.)

24. I get bloody noses. A lot.

25. I've never once seen a super hero movie before. I know it's actually quite depressing.

26. I've lived on the same driveway my whole life.

27. Until I'm comfortable in a situation, I won't speak unless spoken too.

28. But then after ^ I'm probably the loudest and strangest person you'll ever encounter.

29. Hand-me-downs are my favorite way to get clothes.

30. I've recently been obsessed with making videos.
Don't fall asleep in a hammock when there
are Fisher's around; my camping socks are
better than yours.

31. I think I'm allergic to juice. Long story.

32. I'm short and I'm proud.

33. Camping is the greatest way to live life. Until you run out of water, toilet power and then the battery dies but until that point, it's the greatest experience you could ever have.

34. Tubing (like on a lake) is not my thing. No. No. No. It never really was and now it never will be ever since I chipped my tooth tubing on Jordanelle. Let's not forget to bring up the point that the next day was the first day of school...

35. Mountain biking up a steep single track trail is just another form of torture. I enjoy biking, just not to the point where I think I'm going to pass out and die.

36. I couldn't survive without popcorn, string cheese and juice.

37. I have a HORRIBLE diet. My parents call me a pastaterian.

38. I enjoy those weeks in my life where I put my phone in a box and don't get it back until the end of the week.

39. I thought I was the bomb diggity in 5th grade when I had my own email address.

40. Maybe one day I'll get my permit.

41. Apple pancakes are better than M&M pancakes.

42. I've been told that if you listen to my comments I say to myself but sometimes they're a little too loud, that I'm actually a hilarious person! Who knew?!?! Not Morgan.

43. Even though my last name's Fisher, I think Fishing is as boring as watching water begin to boil.

44. Each stuffed animal that I still have, I can remember where it came from or some story to go along with it.

45. If you give me a nickname I'll eventually respond to it.

46. Anything with eyes I flip out. Like if you pull your eyelid up or down I will squirm and scream until the whole room knows I'm having a panic attack. Then I have my friends like Madison and Lane that try to gross me out when ever they have the chance and enjoy petting each others eyelashes. YUCK!

47. People actually call me Morgitos, it's not just my Instagram username.

48. I've made a lot of embarrassing videos on IMovie, just ask Molly. But don't ask to see it because if she shows you then I get to show all of you a picture of her with a dress on and her hair curled! I know it's a very rare sighting.
My blurry picture of the chicken that had
a large heart.

49. I'm obsessed with taking pictures. Like if there was enough memory on an SD card, I'd take a picture of literally everything. I think it'd be so cool if one day I do a flip-book-sort-of-thing-I-don't-know-what-to-call-it of each thing you do for 24 hours. So then you could document the laughter on your friends face as you tell them your new favorite joke, capture that look your classmate makes when you tell them there's a test, when really there is no test. But I get made fun of by how much I take pictures, especially by Madison. Let's just say if you got a chicken nugget that looked like a heart, wouldn't you take a picture of it?!?! Well I did. What if the sky just made your jaw drop, wouldn't you take a picture of it?!?! I know I would, even if it won't turn out that well.

50. I'm obsessed with One Direction. Enough said.

51. I enjoy writing and reading poetry.

52. I can't eat Nutella plain. Yuck!

53. I question everything I do. Like Why do I walk down this side of the hallway instead of the other side? Why do I use this piece of lined paper instead of that one? How come I have Oat Squares for breakfast instead of Cheerios?

54. Moose Tracks ice cream, is the best kind of ice cream.

55. I have NO IDEA where I want to go to college or anything like that.

56. I once got second in a s'mores contest but only because the kid who got first his was ridiculously packed with chocolate and his brother was one of the judges. But I on the other hand lost by one point and not to mention mine was just your average joe S'more.

57. Watching people do magic tricks just leaves me in awe. Like HOW DO YOU FREAKIN' DO THAT!?!?! (FYI boys that's a real chick magnet.)

58. I'm still baffled by how zippers work. I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND!!!

59. I wish I was better at painting. But I'm working on it.

Just look at this amazing progression!!! I sure know how
to model... but this is on my favorite lake, Conway Lake
60. I don't like bacon.

61. My favorite color is blue.

62. Conway Lake is the greatest place ever.

63. For awhile I was obsessed with wanting a Hippie van but really if I get a car, I'll take any car.

64. My room is painted green and blue. My dad and I painted it ourselves two summers ago in 22 hours.

65. I have my own designated popcorn bowl and if you use it, there's no promises of what'll come next of our friendship.

66. If you can make me laugh, welcome to the club.

67. Apples. They're delicious, but now I can't eat them with these stupid braces!!!! So I slice them in a very strange way, I don't know how to explain it but at first people laugh but then they realize they taste wayyyy better The Morgan Way.

68. I've entered my photos into the country fair once in 2012 and got three 1st place and one 2nd place. I really want to enter photos again but I'm never here then. :(

69. Tacos is where it's at.

70. You know when you were little and your mom would go to the mailbox and you would keep pestering her with, "Is there anything for me? Is that for me? No? Well, can I at least open it!?" Well I'm still obsessed with the fact of receiving a letter.

71. They're coming out with a second Purge and I cannot contain my excitement.

My face's cuteness makes up for the fact of
that hair that looks like I cut it myself.
72. I sleep with like five pillows not including Felipe and my body pillow.

73. Math is my favorite class and I enjoy solving equations. (I know big shocker, the whole world may as well just collapse.)

74. In preschool, on half of my head, my hair just fell out.

75. I went to a Boston's Red Sox game a few summers ago and we found this secret store. Secret store? Exactly. They don't advertise at all and it's in some sketchy alley way. You walk in and it's appears to be some crappy store and in the back they have a Snapple vending machine but really it's a door that leads to this really nice shoe & clothing store. Of course I didn't buy anything and I wasn't allowed to take any pictures either... And I don't even know if I'm supposed to have said that much on the internet but then again I didn't say what street it was on or the name of the store.

76. I'm obsessed with cameras.

77. I really can't think of more facts...

78. My knees are my tickle weakness. (So now the whole world knows my weak spot.)

79. I have this straw hat that I wear 24/7 during the summer and my cousin and I are twinzies.

My brother's too much of a model wearing this hat... so you
see him wearing it instead of me.
80. My family has been made into many different movies/TV shows. My mom's side of the family was made into We're The Millers and my dad's side, Growing Up Fisher and in elementary school I was an extra for the movie Snowmen. Be jealous. Okay JK they weren't made after us but coincidence? I think not. But really I was an extra for the movie and it's on Netflix, so go watch it!

81. I have many Junior Ranger badges to the National Parks and the last one I earned was on 10/18/13. Yes I do realize that was just a few months ago.

82. I have a fear of diving. Like diving off a raft into a lake. I don't know why, it just creeps me out diving head first into the unknown.

83. I have a better understanding of how large the number 100 is now.

84. Without my friends I would have disappeared of the face of this planet seven years ago.

89. I. NEED. A. UKELE. I don't think you understand how desperately I need one!!!!! Because when I'm all sad I could just play myself happy music and then suddenly BAM rainbows appear and unicorns are frolicking in the pasture near by. Also when I travel to Michigan I can play happy music while walking through the airport and eventually tons of people will be following me skipping and dancing and none of them would have a care in the world, until they realized they missed their flight.

90. Cats are possibly my greatest fear.

91. Unlike most teenagers I actually enjoy country music.

92. Cribbage is one of the greatest games ever, along with Spit. If you know what I am talking about, you know where it's at.

93. Candy Crush is greater than any other app.

94. I used to hate scary movies but now I'm obsessed.

They had a sold out game
95. I love watching hockey. Especially my little bro.

96. I throw for the Park City Track & Field team, and I suck at it but I'm getting better 'cause hey, I am only a Freshman and it's my first time doing this.

97. If you've ever heard me sing, I apologize and if you ever here me sing, I apologize in advanced.

98. I didn't go to Disney Land or World until 7th grade Spring Break. I know, lame.

99. In my life time I think I've broken like 4 trampolines.

100. Water skiing makes me feel like Jesus. Walking on water.

101. You thought the list would end with that last one, well guess what?!?! I TRICKED YOU!!!

102. If I could live at Camp Daggett for the rest of my life, I would.

103. I have five different alarms that go off in the morning to make sure I don't fall back asleep. But once I'm up, I'm not falling back asleep.

104. I think it's scary that in four years, the people I see everyday, I most likely won't ever see them again.

105. Whenever I'm in a situation where there's two Morgan's (which happens more often than not,) I get called Fish.

106. Horseback riding seems like so much fun!!! Like majestically going on a trail AND I COULD BRING MY UKELE AND JUST PLAY MUSIC!! But the last time I went horseback riding, the horse didn't want to go so he turned back around to the barn.

107. When I was younger I used to always cheat in hide-n-go-seek by peeking or switching from spot to spot. And occasionally I was such a rebel I would hide in areas that were out of bounds.

108. In third grade I thought I could talk to Leprechauns... I know you're Jelly.

♡ Felipe 
109. My frog Felipe is my best friend and he's the only one that understands me and will listen to my random stories about certain people that need to go Bye-Bye and on top of it all, he's the greatest cuddle buddy ever.

110. Tagalongs are the best Girl Scout Cookies and Thin Mints are a close second.

111. My dog Zac (that I give many many MANY nicknames) is named after Zac in the Zac Brown Band.

112. I try to make the best of thing even if it means laughing when I want to cry.

113. My dream job ever since elementary school is to work for National Geographic but we all know that isn't all that realistic. So I really, really, really, REALLY want to go on one of their student expeditions and I've been saving up for it for quite awhile now.

114. I currently play saxophone and clarinet. And hopefully Ukulele in the near future.

500. You can always find me in some sort of costume.
I almost wore this to the grocery store, how awkward am I?

115. My day doesn't begin until I have breakfast.

116. At the end of the summer people say I'm so tan they mistaken me for a black person.

117. Vacuuming is my least favorite chore of all time! I'd rather clean the toilets with my own hands.

118. I've sang karaoke twice in my life and it's most embarrassing thing ever. I don't know what I was thinking!

119. I'm not a vegetarian but I just don't like the idea of eating meet. I just picture than animal frolicking through a field with all their friends then suddenly BOOM it's on my plate.

120. Yes I am one of the coolest kids you will ever meet, also known as a band kid. I know you regret your decision of not joining in 6th grade. #Bandkidsarethecoolkids

121. Campfires, are just perfect. The smell. How they mesmerize you until the smoke BURNS your eyes. They're just... relaxing? I don't know describe it but they are relaxing.

122. I still don't know how to count to 100. But don't tell my Kindergarten teacher or else I might have to do Kindergarten a third time.

123. It's as easy as do re me, ABC baby you and me gurllllll.

124. I think that this lists deserves an A+ but really, this took forever!

P.S. Ferris Wheels are great until they're the sketchy carnival ones.